Help during the war

Hosting a family – How to help? What makes children feel secure? Useful information for people fleeing from Ukraine with children.



It’s crucial for children to be children in the hardest situation as well. As a children’s rights organization, we find it equally important to pay attention to support those children and families who are fleeing from the Ukrainian war and help Hungarian parents, teachers, helpers and children in mental problems, legal and practical issues connected to the war. 


The basis of peace and welfare is to respect children’s rights. War denies children the right to grow up without fear. Hintalovon Foundation, as a Hungarian member of Eurochild, shows solidarity to all children affected and made vulnerable by the war and to Ukrainian colleagues who are working for these children.

Helping materials 

With our constantly expanding handouts and awareness-raising materials, we try to show what can be done to protect children in the current war situation. 

We are working on translating materials into more languages. 


Hintalovon Foundation offers its revenue coming from the 13620 donation line between the 1st and 31th March 2022 to help children who have fled from Ukraine. From the revenue of the donation line, we buy products especially for children which primarily help them to preserve their mental health in these extremely hard days.

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