2018 was the Year of Children in Hungary. How did this year help the validation of child issues and child rights?
What happened in 2018?
2018 was officially the Year of Families, with ‘family communication’ playing a decisive role. Family tax benefits increased, maternity benefits expanded, support rules changed, and new forms of preschool were introduced. These are just a few of the most important measures. Generally, some families and groups of children benefit from the expanding support system, while others continue to remain ‘invisible’. Although, there are others that continue to remain ‘invisible’.
The Year of the Family was not only about how much the state spends on welfare and how the resources are allocated, but also a public debate began on what makes up a family.
The year of families’ was not only about how much money the state spends and where. A public debate started about what family means. Does the marriage of a man and a woman define ‘family’? Or could there be other legal and supported ‘alternatives’? What about the status of divorced parents in Hungary? How does adoption work? What kind of ‘parent’ is the state? How does it take care of children that are raised outside their families in foster care? These are just a few of the questions addressed in our Child rights report of 2018.