The cost of raising children has reached record levels
What was it like to be a child in 2023?
To answer this question, we have compiled all available data, information, research, and publications in the Child Rights Report. This report outlines both major trends and specific situations affecting different groups of children. We discuss challenges related to the education system, child protection, and child health, while also analyzing data on children’s well-being, covering aspects from physical and mental health to issues such as abuse and other risky behaviors. Additionally, we address the most significant changes in legislation and institutional frameworks. Finally, we highlight trends and challenges concerning the care and placement of children growing up outside their families, as well as the importance of providing responsible care for them.
Anyone expecting the next 90 pages to be a cheerful read will be disappointed. However, those who delve into this material to gain a more accurate picture of the reality surrounding children will find important and thought-provoking data and trends.