Year: 2022

Every child has a right to be safe online.
Although the methodology of our research does not allow the results to be considered representative, it still reveals several significant issues. One of the most concerning of these is that children do not recognise that what happens to them is safeguarding violation, considering it to be just a part of sport. Nevertheless, for the majority of children, sport remains a defining and positive experience.
For years we have been writing in this foreword about the fact that we are forced to work with less and less data and information. Last year, not only have official sources almost completely dried up, but it is also striking how much less research, studies and specialist material has been produced on child rights issues.
The publication of the NGO Coalition on the Rights of the Child is available.
What to consider before involving children?
At the Hintalovon Foundation, we work together with children for their rights. In 2022, we worked with nearly 40 children, held more than 70 meetings and discussions with them, and involved them in 20 projects.
Who are the Kid Colleagues of the Hintalovon Child Rights Foundation? They are more than consultants or advisors, they are representatives, activists, researchers, trainers and authors too.
What happened with Hintalovon Foundation in 2022?
In September, 2022, the 14th edition of the European Commission’s Children’s Rights Forum was held, which was attended by Child Rights Ambassadors.
With the coordination of the Hintalovon Foundation, the Child Participation Working Group of the NGO Coalition on the Rights of the Child was established.
It is important that not only the child understands what their lawyer, the grown-up says, but the grown up should understand the child’s feelings, thoughts and doubts as well. This helps the efficiency of the cooperation and in the end we will get a result that qualifies for child-friendly jurisdiction.

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