How do we help children and families during COVID-19?

Here is, what Hintalovon Child Rights Foundation did for children and families during the pandemic to help them.



Sharing is caring – here is, what we did for children and families during the pandemic.

  • We share information to parents, professionals and children about online safety, custody issues, education and well-being during COVID-19 regularly.
  • We follow the legislations and governmental measures affecting children, and draw attention to children’s rights and their best interest in these decisions. 
  • A position statement was sent to the relevant authorities and ministry about teacher’s practice to asking for video-recordings of students.
  • booklet for teachers was developed how they can support children’s online safety during distance learning. 
  • Our Child Rights Centre launched a helpchat at to provide free legal assistance. 
  • Our Child Rights Ambassadors (child volunteers) participate in awareness-raising activities on their own Instagram site, and write articles and develop their own contents that highlight children’s perspective and bring some fun into the everyday life of children and families. See for example the Family contract or the Quiz for parents.
  • We carry out an online research among children about online safety that receives a special focus on digital education. Our child rights ambassadors also participate in the design and promotion of the survey.
  • We participate in the relevant work of the Child Rights NGO Coalition and collaborate with our national and international partners closely.

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