Useful sources and pages for helpers of kids and families fleeing Ukraine

Useful links if you need mental help, legal information, practical tips, language assistance.



If you need mental help:

  • Free helpline and online chat for people under 24:
    • For Hungarian speakers 24 hours a day:  116-111 and  online chat between 13-21h on 
    • For Ukrainian speakers: the Ukrainian operator of 116-111 children’s line Ла Страда-Україна/La Strada-Ukraine is not available on the usual number, but on Instagram: @childhotline_ua, Facebookon: @lastradaukraine, Telegramon: @CHL116111, Online: 
  • Heim Pál Children’s Hospital’s toll-free number, the Emergency Hotline (Sürgősségi Forró Drót), for questions related to children’s health care (in-patient care, referrals, counselling, COVID-19 vaccination, missing and continuing mandatory vaccinations for children, etc.).  Assistance is available any time of the day and in Ukrainian as well, call +36 80-200-223 
  • Child psychiatric and child psychological care for refugees at the Mental Crisis Outpatient Clinic of Heim Pál Hospital, Fridays between 14-17 hours, 1138 Budapest Faludi u. 5., for appointment call  +36 30 44 34 751
  • Information in Ukrainian for professionals and parents: Ukrainian organization for cognitive behavioural therapy
  • Crisis counselling and spiritual help in Ukrainian: +38-098-559-65-21 (Monday-Friday: 10:00-17:00) Ukrainian organization for cognitive behavioural therapy
  • Free online or via phone psychological help for Ukrainians in English or Russian:
  • Contact details for professionals offering  free online or personal psychological help: Pszi Pont – Pro bono
  • A collection of mental health and psychosocial support resources from the UN’s International Association for the Advancement of Humanitarian Cooperation (IASC), in Hungarian, English, Ukrainian, Russian, and other languages: useful resources
  • Videos with Ukrainian subtitles from the Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry to help people understand the psychological and somatic symptoms following war trauma and encourage them to seek help: Flight and Trauma (video), and Flight and Trauma – Self-help (video)
  • Picture book on practical stress management skills from WHO, in English, Hungarian, Ukrainian, Russian and other languages: Doing what matters in times of stress: an illustrated guide
  • Free Ukrainian Translations Of Trauma And PTSD Psychoeducational Resources: link

If you need legal information: 

If you need practical tips and information:

  • Advice on welcoming children from Ukrainian children’s homes in English from the Child and Family Foundation: link
  • Key considerations for helping children flee and be sheltered in humanitarian crises in English, based on the Better Care Network summary:  link
  • Eurochild’s resources: link
  • A magyarországi tartózkodást segítő információk, nyomtatóbarát verzióban magyar, angol, és hamarosan ukrán és orosz nyelveken: useful links from APPY 
  • Information to faciliate your stay in Hungary in printable format in Hungarian, English and soon in Ukrainian and Russian: useful links from APPY 

If you need discussions or sessions:

  • Advice and ideas for working with adolescents and young people from the National Youth Council of Ireland (NYCI) in English: link
  • Advice and information on how to talk to children about war and how people can help: Hintalovon webpage

If you need language assistance:

  • Communication material with Russian-speaking children: link
  • Tips, videos, information and a collection of resources for professionals and children on legal procedures involving children that require the assistance of an interpreter in Hungarian, English, Italian and Dutch: ChiLLS webpage

Image from here.

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