Day: January 14, 2019

Hosting a family – How to help? What makes children feel secure? Useful information for people fleeing from Ukraine with children.
Useful links if you need mental help, legal information, practical tips, language assistance.
Human trafficking is a crime. There are those who seek to take advantage of the vulnerability of refugees. How can you recognise them?
If we have a child, s/he has a digital identity. And that needs protection – sometimes we just need to protect it from ourselves to secure ourselves. Read on to learn why and how.
What you share online stays there. Share carefully and consider what your child would say a few years later about your posts.
With honesty, attention, and a good deal of care, you can help your child navigate online. Read on for more details.
You do not want to hurt your children, but they are so cute in that picture, you want everyone to see it… This is how you can keep them safe.
The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated existing problems of social inequality, with job losses pushing many families further into poverty and school closures creating a wider educational divide, impacting children’s life chances, and their physical and mental health.

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