UN: what should be done for children in Hungary?

In 2019, Hungary had to report to the UN on the realization of children's rights. In January 2020, the UN Concluding observations about what Hungary needs to do to realize children's rights was published.
how do you see it, crc reporting, hungarian children



In January 2020, the UN Concluding observations about what Hungary needs to do to realize children’s rights was published. In the mandatory reporting procedure every five years, the Committee on the Rights of the Child also sought the views of government, civilians and children. In our “How Do You See It” campaign, launched jointly with our Child Rights Ambassadors, nearly 5,300 children have shared their views with the UN, who can now receive feedback on their participation in our children’s publication.

In 2019, Hungary had to report to the UN on the realization of children’s rights. The Committee on the Rights of the Child also took note of the views of the government, civilians and children, and in January 2020 issued a document listing what Hungary needs to do to implement children’s rights.

It is important for children to receive feedback on the outcome of their participation in reporting and what the UN has ultimately highlighted to decision-makers. Therefore, the staff of our Child Participation Program has produced a publication for children that summarizes that:

  • what rights do they have as children,
  • what the research has revealed, how children see the situation at home,
  • what to do according to the UN.

A series of articles on the topic will be launched on Yelon.hu’s page for 10-18 year olds.
The full English text of the Concluding Observations can be downloaded here, and the Hungarian publication for children can be downloaded here.

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