ChiLLS conference: interpreter-mediated legal proceedings

Throughout the conference, the specificities of interpreter-mediated encounters with minors were discussed, and practical tools and solutions were offered to navigate those encounters in the professionals’ lives.
chills conference



Hintalovon and its project partners, KU Leuven and University of Bologna, with the participation of more than 500 visitors. The online conference offered insight into the matter of interpreter-mediated interaction with minors in legal proceedings.

Children are vulnerable and have special needs and rights in relation to interpreting. The ChiLLS project team and presenters were researchers and professionals, that came with a wealth of field-experience on the specific problematic that ChiLLS puts on the map. Throughout the conference, the specificities of interpreter-mediated encounters with minors were discussed, and practical tools and solutions were offered to navigate those encounters in the professionals’ lives.

The project on which this conference reported, was strongly built around the perspective and participation of the children. Child participation was also reflected in the conference programme: Hintalovon Child Rights Ambassadors gave a presentation and presented their awareness-raising campaign.

The recordings of the conference can be accessed by clicking here forday 1 or here forday 2 of the conference.

Monday 19 October 2020

14:00 – 14:30 | Welcomespeeches

  • Bálint Molnár, Deputy Director, European Youth Centre Budapest, Council of Europe
  • Dr. Ingrid Breit, Team leader procedural rights and confiscation, DG Justice and Consumers, European Commission
  • Prof. dr. TonLiefaard, Vice-Dean for Education of Leiden Law School, full Professor of Children’s Rights and holds the UNICEF Chair in Children’s Rights at Leiden University, Leiden Law School.

14:30 – 16:00 | Specialcharacteristics of interpretermerdiatedhearingswithchildren

Moderator: Prof. dr. Heidi Salaets, head of the Interpreting Studies Research Group, Faculty of Arts, KU Leuven

  • The perspective of the law | Stefan Aelbrecht, KU Leuven
  • The perspective of the interpreter | AmaliaAmato, University of Bologna
  • The perspective of the psychologist | György Virag, National Institute of Criminology Budapest

Questions and answers

16:30 – 18:00 | Competences, responsibilities, challenges and opportunities in interpretermediatedhearings of childrenchildren’sneeds in legallanguagesettings

Moderator: Dr. Katalin Balogh, lecturer German and the coordinator of the training on legal Interpreting and translation at the Faculty of Arts, KU Leuven 

Children’s needs in legal language settings:

  • Research findings – Belgium | Heidi Salaets, KU Leuven
  • Research findings – Italy |AmaliaAmato & GabrieleMack, University of Bologna

Questions and answers

Tuesday 20 October 2020

09:00 – 11:45 | Differentperspectivesoninterpretermediatedencounterswithchildren

  • Living library | Simon Smith, Zakon Training LTD
  • How to inform children about their rights in legal proceedings: the perspective of children | Szilvi Gyurko & ChildAmbassadors, Hintalovon Child Rights Foundation
  • The need for teamwork and how to support it – tips & tools for better interprofessional work in the best interest of the child | DimitriElman & Richard Redwood, The International Criminal Court; Eric Van Der Mussele, Verbist Advocatuur; Katalin Balogh, KU Leuven; György Virág, National Institute of Criminolgy

13:00 – 14:30 | Promisingpractices, tools and availabletrainingresources in Europe

Moderator: Stefan Aelbrecht, research assistant at the Interpreting Studies Research Group, Faculty of Arts, KU Leuven

  • Lessons learnt from the development of child-friendly materials | Barbara Nemeth, Hintalovon Child Rights Foundation
  • Guided tour of the ChiLLS project website | Stefan Aelbrecht, KU Leuven
  • Promoting other resources:
  • HELP platform | Eva Pastrana, Council of Europe
  • My lawyer, my rights | Benoit Van Keirsbilck, Defence for Children

15:00 | Closingspeech

  • Prof. dr. InekeCrezee, Professor of Translation and Interpreting, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand

The ChiLLS project was funded by the DG Justice of the European Union Commission (JUST-JACC-AG-2017).

Image from here.

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