Council of Europe



The Council of Europe commissioned our Foundation to produce a child-friendly booklet on the Council of Europe Convention on Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse, also known as the Lanzarote Convention to the 12-18 age group. In 2019, a booklet on sexual abuse and exploitation was produced for teenagers entitled ‘So this is Sexual Abuse?’ in Hungarian and in English. It was translated to 8 languages the next year, including Azeri, Armenian, Bosnian, Georgian, Montenegrin, Serbian, Ukrainian, Turkish. The publication was developed with child participation. Our Child Rights Ambassadors contributed to the concept, content, language and design of the publication.

In 2018, our Child Rights Ambassadors contributed to the 2nd monitoring round of the Lanzarote Convention about the protection of children against sexual exploitation and sexual abuse facilitated by information and communication technologies (ICTs). Their video was submitted to the Lanzarote Committee and presented in various CoE events as a good practice. Hintalovon was invited to share the possibilities and challenges of child participation in the monitoring of Lanzarote Convention and other human rights conventions to a Council of Europe conference in Strasbourg, in 2019.  

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