The UN is asking for the opinion of Hungarian children

Here is the opportunity for stakeholders to hear what children think about school, education, healthcare, violence or their future. On the Universal Children’s Day 13 NGOs working with children launched the national survey that examines the situation of children based not on the opinion of stakeholders, experts or NGOs, but of children themselves.
Az ENSZ a gyerek véleményére kíváncsi



Budapest, 20th November, 2018. ‒ How is it to be a child in Hungary? All children, who would like to, may now share their opinion through an online survey. Here is the opportunity for stakeholders to hear what children think about school, education, healthcare, violence or their future. On the Universal Children’s Day 13 NGOs working with children launched the national survey that examines the situation of children based not on the opinion of stakeholders, experts or NGOs, but of children themselves. The campaign contributes to the currently ongoing UN monitoring of children’s rights in Hungary.

The UN Committee on the Rights of the Child reviews every 5 years how Hungary has fulfilled its obligation to implement the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The Committee consults with the government and NGOs, while also taking into consideration children’s opinion to the greatest possible extent. No one can possibly know better what it is like to grow up in Hungary, therefore, their views are vital to see the whole picture on achievements and challenges.

Children may participate in different ways, for instance, by producing their own report. The aim of the campaign launched on the Universal Children’s Day is to invite as many kids as possible to share their experiences on school, home, local and online issues via an online platform.

„Your opinion counts! The violation of your rights have consequences!” – proclaims the „Te hogy látod?” Facebook page (meaning: “How do You see it?”) that is organised by children and experts alike. The online survey is an opportunity for children to stand up for themselves and urge their environment to change what they see problematic.

The survey can be completed until March 2019 and children may also join in the campaign. Answers will be collected and delivered to the Committee in August 2019, then, in October children may present their views in person before the Committee in Geneva. The UN can draw the attention of the government and other stakeholders to topics important for children,and they can propose recommendations to address them in the Concluding observations.

The Hungarian campaign is coordinated by the Hintalovon Child Rights Foundation. Contributors to conducting the survey include the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights, the Hungarian LGBT Alliance, the Hungarian Association of Pedagogues’ Department of the Interests of the Child, the Hungarian Association of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (SINOSZ) and the Hungarian Civil Liberties Union (TASZ). The campaign is further supported by other members and experts of the Civil Coalition on the Rights of the Child: the Family, Child, Youth Association, the Chances for Children Association (GYERE), the Real Pearl Foundation, the Kék Vonal Child Crisis Foundation, the Rosa Parks Foundation, the Be a Parent Programme, Dalma Biró and dr. Ágnes Lux.

The official website of the campaign: link
The survey: linkEnglish version
The official information brief of the UN: linklink

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