Our researches and flagships projects

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Child rights

Although the methodology of our research does not allow the results to be considered representative, it still reveals several significant issues. One of the most concerning of these is that children do not recognise that what happens to them is safeguarding violation, considering it to be just a part of sport. Nevertheless, for the majority of children, sport remains a defining and positive experience.
The Hintalovon Child Rights Foundation’s research on the possibilities of the community-based child safeguarding: What do we think about abuse, what can we do about it?
Research by the Hintalovon Child Rights Foundation on the social acceptance of child abuse and the opportunities in community-based child safeguarding

Child sexual abuse and exploitation

ECPAT’s fourth report under the Global Boys Initiative, following Thailand, South Korea and Sri Lanka, explores the factors which puts boys in Hungary at risk of sexual exploitation, where the gaps are in the country’s support systems and what needs to change.
Hintalovon Foundation and ECPAT International is to launch Country Overview on the Sexual Exploitation of Children in Hungary
At the same time, Yelon strives to answer young people’s questions and to prepare parents and teachers on how to engage in dialogue to ensure safe childhood, and in turn, balanced adulthood.
A child-friendly booklet on sexual abuse and exploitation is here! The booklet for teenagers focuses on children’s questions and through cases, helps you to understand sexual abuse and criminal matters.

Child-centered justice

It is important that not only the child understands what their lawyer, the grown-up says, but the grown up should understand the child’s feelings, thoughts and doubts as well. This helps the efficiency of the cooperation and in the end we will get a result that qualifies for child-friendly jurisdiction.
ChiLLS are working for highly vulnerable minors about how/where they can get help if they do not speak the same language as that of the investigation
We are working with children aged 10-17 to explore children’s feelings and needs in different everyday, vulnerable situations. A final report will be produced from the focus group research using drama techniques, which will be used to develop recommendations for professionals.

Safer internet

Research Report – Challenges of advocacy in shrinking democratic spaces
What does social media have to do with school bullying? How are childhood memories altered by the alternative reality created by pictures uploaded on social media? What is the link between sexual harassment and posts that contain information about one’s private life?
Every fifth child feels unsafe on the web. They find fake news and advertisements the most disturbing and forty percent of them spend more time online than they would like to. Here are the results of the InternetMost (“InternetNow”) representative online study questioning 13–17 year old children, prepared by the Hintalovon Foundation on behalf of the Magyar Telekom.


Mi mindennap azért dolgozunk, hogy jobb hely legyen ma Magyarország a gyerekek számára. De ehhez most rád is szükségünk van.

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