The Hintalovon Academy has opened its doors

Thanks to the OTP Bank Donation Programme, the Hintalovon Foundation launched the Hintalovon Academy Programme in September 2023.



Do you remember your first day at school, aged 6 or 7, just after your last summer break in kindergarten? Or starting high school, college, university? There must have been some fear, excitement, wondering what it would be like, but also curiosity, anticipation, hope for new opportunities and new knowledge.

It was with that excitement that we opened the imaginary doors of the Hintalovon Academy this September, so that we could pass on all the experience, expertise and knowledge we have gained in the field of children’s rights over the years to all those who feel the same concern and vocation for children’s well-being.

Since 2015, we have been working to ensure that being a child in Hungary is as good as it can be, that if someone is being hurt, or feels bad in a situation, there is someone who will listen and help them. Since then, we’ve been delivering training, presentations and workshops to thousands of professionals every year, and we’ve also been working with local governments and public education institutions to make our communities safer for children. We have seen a lot of cases and received a lot of feedback, all of which underlined the importance of reaching out to as many sectors and professionals as possible and involving them in our common thinking and work. These experiences have been an important source of inspiration for the idea of launching the Hintalovon Academy and useful input for the development of the professional programme.

For several months we planned and organised what ” courses ” should be. Taking into account the requests and needs we have received over the past years, we decided to offer first of all accredited and registered professional training courses for teachers, child protection professionals and lawyers on online safety, bullying, sex education and child rights in the public education system and in legal proceedings.

This is our first semester, but we have big plans for 2024. For example, we are preparing new trainings on child-friendly communication, how to talk to children about sex, or what tools we have as parents or even as lawyers to help children to be as harmless as possible in divorce.

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Thanks to the OTP Bank Donation Programme, the Hintalovon Foundation launched the Hintalovon Academy Programme in September 2023.

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