INCLUDE Conference: international child abduction



24-25 June 2021 – INCLUDE Conference: Child-friendly procedures in cases of international child abduction

International child abductions confront children with a number of challenges: conflict, separation, being excluded from significant decisions, being confronted with the justice system and having to (re)integrate in a new environment. To minimise harm and maximise wellbeing for children and their families throughout all phases of an abduction process, rights-respecting responses from professionals and authorities are crucial.

This online conference will present the results of research conducted with children aming to examine children’s needs and feelings in the context of international child abduction. In Hungary and Cyprus, Children aged 10 to 17 years old were involved on a consultative and collaborative level using mixed methods of drama workshops and focus group discussions. This research provided the basis for a guide for professionals which aims to enhance the wellbeing of children at all stages of an international child abduction by providing guidelines and good practices to legal and other professionals.

Young people (Hintalovon’s Child Rights Ambassadors) will present the research that formed the basis for the good practice guide. Their results, and the good practice guide, will form the basis for discussions in breakout sessions. We will submit the findings, and the question of how to implement children’s rights in international abduction proceedings to a panel including a judge, lawyer, guardian ad litem and national authority involved in such proceedings.

The INCLUDE project was implemented in partnership with University of Antwerp, Hope for Children Cyprus and Hintalovon Child Rights Foundation. The project is supported by the European Commission (JUST-AG-2018/JUST-JCOO-AG-2018).

Registration and further information on the agenda:

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