Child-friendly material about online consultations and surveys

online kérdőíves konzultáció



Child-friendly material has been developed on frequently asked questions about online consultations and surveys to help children express their opinions consciously.

Your opinion matters!

This is what Hintalovon communicates when promoting a survey – and they mean it because to improve the situation of children we need to consider their opinion. This is why Hintalovon carries out their own research projects and why it calls children’s attention to consultations which enable them to influence public decision-making. The surveys, questionnaires and consultations give as many children as possible the opportunity to express their opinion and for decision-makers to take these views into consideration.

Why participate in consultations? How can children be sure that completing a survey makes sense? Why is a question asked this way? How not to be misled?

During previous research projects, Hintalovon received similar questions from children. That is why it decided to look at the uncertainties around surveys and questionnaires with the Child Rights Ambassadors and introduce children to the methodology of these.

This child-friendly material helps children and adults to be conscious about their responses. It is also helpful for teachers to talk to children about the importance and essence of the consultations, surveys and to initiate a conversation with the students on the topic. Click here to download.

What is this material about?

I. Frequently asked questions about consultations
II. Frequently asked questions about surveys
III. Why are questions asked this way?
IV. How do you become a conscious respondent

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