Child Rights Report – 2017

Greater attention to children and hereto unseen media interest in child abuse

What happened in 2017?

In 2017, the number of media reports on sexual violence against children increased by 400%. Is this a result of the Metoo movement or has a deeper change taken place? The report presents all the available statistics on abuse and violence against children.

All that was important and crucial concerning children the past year, all that we have discussed, all that was in the media are included in this review.

Take a look at the 2017 report!

“This report mirrors the present situation of children and young adults, but it can also be seen as a vision of the future. In a couple of decades, the age group that is growing up will shape our everyday lives. This is why the validation of child rights is important; social vision of the future is greatly determined by what happens to children today,” the Foundation’s Child Rights Ambassadors said in connection with the report.


Mi mindennap azért dolgozunk, hogy jobb hely legyen ma Magyarország a gyerekek számára. De ehhez most rád is szükségünk van.

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