Protect Children: Online Training on Sexual Abuse Available



What is paedophilia and what are the most important things to know about child sexual abuse?

The training is designed for all interested, responsible adults who want to learn more about the issue of child sexual abuse, the latest research, the realities of the phenomenon and our responsibility as ordinary people to help children grow up in a safer world. 

Until recently, the problem was that we did not talk about sexual abuse against children. This has now changed, while there is still a lack of a comprehensive approach, many misconceptions about the phenomenon prevail and we are still reluctant to accept that child sexual abuse is not an isolated phenomenon. It overlaps very seriously with other forms of child abuse and with systemic, institutionalised problems. 

We are learning how it is worth, how we should, and how we can talk about abuse. As a survivor, as a witness, as an expert, as a journalist, as a fellow human being. And in doing so, we think, react, argue, debate, but most of all: we feel. 

This is why it is worth facing up to the questions, misconceptions and facts – based on what we know today – that arise when we talk about peadophilia and sexual abuse against children. That is why we think it would be so important to complete this training.

The training is available here.

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