Children’s Realities in Europe: Progress & Gaps



Hintalovon Foundation contributed to Eurochild’s recent report by highlighting Hungary’s challenges, alongside the realities faced by children in 31 countries. Our findings underscore persistent gaps in addressing mental health, digital safety, education access, and the needs of vulnerable groups, such as migrant and LGBTQ+ children. While Hungary has policies in place, their effectiveness is hindered by limited funding and inadequate implementation.

The report aims to identify good and promising practices, working solutions, and country-specific recommendations for EU decision-makers and national governments to draw from when addressing children’s needs.

Eurostat reports that in 2023, 24.8% of children in the European Union faced the risk of poverty or social exclusion. This troubling figure highlights the persistence of high child poverty levels in one of the world’s wealthiest regions. Child poverty rates rose in 16 EU countries, while 9 saw decreases. Romania recorded the highest proportion of children at risk (39%), followed by Spain (34.5%) and Bulgaria (33.9%).

Policy Recommendations from the Report:

  • Uphold the rights of all children
  • Combat poverty and social exclusion
  • Strengthen child protection systems
  • Guarantee children’s right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment
  • Support children’s mental health
  • Support children’s rights in the digital sphere
  • Strengthen the European Child Guarantee
  • Leverage the European Semester Process

Overall, the report highlights concerning setbacks. While policies often exist, they are rarely implemented effectively or supported with adequate funding.

Read the report here.

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