
Children's rights have never been more important. Offer 1% of your taxes this year!



Donate 1% of your taxes to make Hungary a better place for children.

As you may know, Hungary has a unique system in which taxpayers can donate 1% of their personal income tax to a registered charity or religious organization of their choice. This donation does not cost you any extra money, as the amount donated is deducted from your tax liability.

Our Tax Number: 18752836-2-41

How to offer 1% of your tax?

  • If you have access to the Ügyfélkapu (government gateway) you can easily specify online who you intend to offer your 1% – log in and copy our tax number to the designated form: 18752836-2-41
  • If you do NOT have access to the Ügyfélkapu (government gateway), you can submit your donation together with your tax declaration by filling out the EGYSZA form or filling out separately the 22EGYSZA form.
  • If your workplace takes care of your tax declaration, you can still donate the 1% to the organisation by submitting a completed 22EGYSZA form in a sealed envelope. Make sure you sign the envelope across the seal, otherwise your offer will be invalid.

The deadline is 22nd of May 2023.

Why support the work of Hintalovon Gyermekjogi Alapítvány with your 1%?

We would like to ensure that adults take into account the views and the interest of children in all areas of life, making Hungary a better place for children to grow up. Our goal is for families, schools, sports associations, hospitals, teachers, decision-makers, politicians, and society as a whole to recognize the importance of a good childhood and the value of every child.

  • There have been more than 5,500 conversations on our Child Rights Counseling Chatbot since its launch
  • We reached more than 4,000 professionals and people interested in children’s rights with our lectures and trainings in 2022
  • More than 150 professional articles and interviews were prepared with our cooperation
  • We distributed 2,732 backpacks to children who fled Ukraine
  • We wrote and distributed helpful materials to support the children affected by the war and the adults who supported them
  • We prepared the first domestic research on the sexual exploitation of boys
  • Every month, more than 200 publications on children’s rights are downloaded from our donation shop
  • We helped children participate in the CLEAR-Rights project on promoting child-friendly justice
  • Our child volunteers gave presentations at national and international conferences, including Keeping Children Safe and the Children’s Rights Civil Coalition, and sent a video message to the PILnet global conference
  • 42 child protection guidelines have been prepared with our help since the start of the NEMECSEK Program
  • Thanks to our successful fundraising, we can work pro bono to make one of the children’s homes in Budapest safer
  • We prepared a material for politicians on the political use of children

More posts in this topic

On World Children’s Day our Kid Colleague, Abigél, gave a speech in front of members of the European Parliament, alongside her peers from the Eurochild Children’s Council.
At the request of Eurochild, our Kid Colleague Mór moderated a roundtable in Brussels. He asked four professionals about their work, good practices and the potential of child participation.

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Children are not political tools

Children are not political tools

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