What is paedophilia and what are the most important things to know about child sexual abuse?

What can we do as responsible adults to ensure that children are as safe as possible? Want to learn more? Sign up for our training today!


Bármikor elvégezhető


1,5 hours, self-paced

Kinek ajánljuk?

responsible adults




Képzés díja

4 500 Ft


  • Why is real sexual education important from childhood?
  • What is pedophilia?
  • How should we talk to our child about peer sexual violence?
  • What does sexual violence against children actually mean?
  • What do we know about children who have become victims?


Why is this important?

  • Because we cannot protect children if we do not understand the true nature of abuse committed against them.
  • Because we are all responsible for the well-being of the children in our communities.
  • Because it’s not just monsters out there— we are here too! Children’s safety, well-being, and protection are our shared responsibility.

Ensuring the safety of the children around us starts with knowledge—the kind that helps us truly understand the nature of child abuse, the perpetrators, and the consequences of violence.

That’s why we have gathered up-to-date, evidence-based information on:
✅ What is paedophilia? Why is it important to use proper terms when talking about child sexual abuse?
✅ What do we know about child victims?
✅ How can we recognize and prevent sexual abuse?

We have created a short, fact-based, and easy-to-understand training that helps everyone gain a clearer understanding of this issue.

Who is this training for?

This course is designed for all responsible adults who want to learn about sexual abuse against children, explore the latest research findings, and understand the real characteristics of this issue. It also provides guidance on how each of us can contribute to making the world a safer place for children.

How to Register?

Registration is available via the Hintalovon Academy Thinkific platform.

📌 The online training costs around 12 EUR (4500 Ft), takes about 1.5 hours to complete.
📌 Upon completion, participants receive a certificate and a digital badge.

Kapcsolódó tartalmaink

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