Category: Egyéb

What to consider before involving children?
At the Hintalovon Foundation, we work together with children for their rights. In 2022, we worked with nearly 40 children, held more than 70 meetings and discussions with them, and involved them in 20 projects.
Want to make a difference without spending a penny? Donate your 1% to Hintalovon Gyermekjogi Alapítvány and make Hungary a better place for children.
Who are the Kid Colleagues of the Hintalovon Child Rights Foundation? They are more than consultants or advisors, they are representatives, activists, researchers, trainers and authors too.
New EU legislation about safer internet and child sexual exploitation in digital environment
What happened with Hintalovon Foundation in 2022?
In September, 2022, the 14th edition of the European Commission’s Children’s Rights Forum was held, which was attended by Child Rights Ambassadors.
With the coordination of the Hintalovon Foundation, the Child Participation Working Group of the NGO Coalition on the Rights of the Child was established.
It is important that not only the child understands what their lawyer, the grown-up says, but the grown up should understand the child’s feelings, thoughts and doubts as well. This helps the efficiency of the cooperation and in the end we will get a result that qualifies for child-friendly jurisdiction.
The Irish Presidency of the Council of Europe (CoE) held an international conference that focused on the children’s best interests in family courts during parental separation and care proceedings.
ECPAT’s fourth report under the Global Boys Initiative, following Thailand, South Korea and Sri Lanka, explores the factors which puts boys in Hungary at risk of sexual exploitation, where the gaps are in the country’s support systems and what needs to change.
From September our team is working together with 18 child rights ambassadors. We held a team-building camp in Balatonboglár and we are excited to see what we learn from the children this year.

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Children are not political tools

Children are not political tools

Guidelines_children in political campaigns

Guidelines on the involvement of children in political campaigns

What is worth knowing about making public appearances if you are under 18?

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